Tuesday, November 6, 2012

2012 NASA Agency Honor Awards

Fiscal Year 2012 has brought some great accomplishments for NASA in the small business area. In August, the NASA Small Business Council (SBC) received a well-deserved Group Achievement Award during the 2012 NASA Agency Honor Awards Ceremony for outstanding performance in executing NASA’s Small Business Program in Fiscal Year 2011.

Displaying the SBC’s commitment to excellence, NASA exceeded its small business goal in FY11 with its highest prime small business metric, 17.7%, since 2006. The Council accomplished countless innovative endeavors for reaching out to small businesses across the country, including establishing several new Small Business Industry Days, Joint Counseling Sessions, and a renewed interest in the use of social media. I felt pride for each and every individual who made this award happen. Congratulations to all.

I am optimistic about Fiscal Year 2013. We face a higher Small Business goal than we have in previous years and there are always new challenges, but I have faith in our Agency acquisition community not only to meet our new goals, but to exceed them once again.  

1 comment:

  1. Answering services for small businesses are on the rise. I think one of the main reasons for this is that small businesses are the companies that are really powering America right now.

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